Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hey Kathee... Debbie's spinning wheel

Looks similar to ours... On a first name basis with out UCV spinning guide ;)

Tea with you, Kit, yer mum Lee would be awesome. Spinning Wheels whirring in sync.. or willy nilly would be a great sound and sight, and I'm sure a leap in our education as far as spinning goes.

I'm missing my Spin Off magazine. I think I'll add it to my reading list once again this fall. I like to information, tutorials, and of course the inspiration to carry on. I'm gearing up to make myself a king size blanket. Not sure exactly how I'm going to go about it, but I have an idea for colours. I would like to incorporate some knitting and quilting into the project, with art being the focus. I was thinking the quilted squares could be random with no repetition and the knitted squares could be more about textures and colour combinations. I would like to use a wool batt, pre-felted if that makes sense with a cotton backing. I think I'll draw what I imagine it will look like to use as a blueprint, guessing this is a two year project at least :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Spinner at UCV

I guess I am a Rogue Knitter...although I haven't actually started knitting yet...I am posting a photo of the UCV lady who was is actually last year's photo (same woman as this year!) I guess we were so busy chatting with her that I didn't take her picture this year. It does give you a peek at her wheel tho'. I love the idea of a tea and spinning party...we could invite my cousin Kit and get some tips and insights from her as well!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Spinning Tips

It was so nice to sit and watch Kathee's mum spin. Amazing what you can learn in such a short time. I now have a few answers to some of my problems while at the wheel. Kathee yer mum is a hoot to hang out with :) I think we should all bring our wheels over and have tea and learn from the master spinner. I can't wait until you post a few pics from UCV, I'm hoping to see how she had her wheel set up andsee if their are similarities between our wheels.

I'm going to get back to sock knitting this week. have to inventory my stash and see what I have to work with. I'm going to make sure I make time for spinning at least twice a week. Once I'm feeling more confident i'll haul out the big bag of sheeps wool I have and get to washing and carding it. Might be another good time to sit with yer mum and see the in and outs of hand carding.

Life is Good!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

You found it Lee!

Ok... spinning went well today, with the exception of the twisted roving not moving onto the spool when it's half full, not sure what that means, need a guru to discuss this phenom. I did up two wee balls of one ply and attempted to ply them. Well... lets just say I need some more practice. My thinga ma bob keeps disconnecting from the northern shaft. Have to find out more about that too!

Life is so darn amazing with a wheel in it!

Oh yeah Lee and Kathee... Feel free to edit yer photos, I just scrounged around my puter for fill ins.

Please say I'm the hot mermaid!!

Lee in the house! Ive always wanted to be a mermaid!! Underwater spinning at the lost city of Atlantis..friend of the manatees! Making tail warmers for my friends......

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thai's Version of Rogue Knitters

My wonderful DS put his pencil to paper and came up with a picture of Lee, Kathee and Zee knitting on board a pirate ship, pretty darn rogue if you ask me. I got the honours of colouring it in :) Lee put Anni to work, I bet she could woop something awesome up.

My Wheel

My Kittchy Wheel!
Now to put it to better use.. say ummm spinning?
What a beautiful lawn ornament it could be...NOT!

Arrrrrrr.... Zellers

This is what happens when you hang out after 10pm at a 24 hour Zellers store, after injesting mega amounts of msg, INSPIRATION for the ultimate Blog!

Rogue Knitters Unite! Kathee do you think yer Ma would to join? Time to pimp yer wheels girls, lets roll into winter decked out in our new leg warmers made sans a pattern (as a true Rogue Knitter would do).